최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Klein-Levin Syndrome 1례의 Lithium carbonate 치료경험

Klein-Levin Syndrome: Report of a Case Treated with Lithium Carbonate

The Klein-Levin syndrome, first named by Ciitchley and Hoffman, consists of periodic hypersomᅳ nia, morbid hunger and unusual mental symptoms. Recently the authors treated a 16-year-old male patient who had suffered from 10 to 15day periods of hypersomnia and intermittent episodic pathologi cal hunger. Therapeutic trials on Carbamazepine and Me-thylphenidate were unsuccessful. Next we treated him with a daily dose of 900mg Lithium carbonate for 5 months. Soon after treatment was discontinued against medical advise, one short period of somnolence reappeared. But reinstitution of Lithium carbonate prevented him from more somnrlence for next 8 months. Lithium carbonate seemed to suppress the reemergence of somnolence sufficiently in this case, therefore we report this therapeutic experience with a case of Klein-Levin syndrome.

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