최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

육군 방위병 및 기간병의 우울성향

Depressive Trends among the Stand-by Replacements and the Regulars in the Korean Army

  • 4

204 stand-by replacements, 250 regular army soldiers and 300 college students were applied to Zung’s Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) in order to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative aspects of their depression. Mean depression scores and also scores of various depressive items obtained from the each group were statistically analyzed. 1. The mean SDS scores were 41.73 ±9.09 for stand-by replacements, 37.97±7.80 for the regulars and 38.31 ±7.79 for the controls. The diffrencesof the mean SDS scores between stand-by replacements and the regulars and also between the stand-by replacements and the controls were noted to be significant (p<. 0.001). However, no significant differences in the mean SDS scores between the regulars and the controls were found. 2. Among the various depressive items, retardation was most remarkable in the stand-by replacements which was followed by diurnal variation. In the regulars, confusion was most remarkable which was followed by diurnal variation. In the controls, diurnal variation was most remarkable which was followed by retardation. 3. There were statistically significant differences between the three depressive equivalent symptoms (pervassive affects, physiological equivalents, psychological equivalents) for each three group (p<0. 001) except the control group, which showed no significant differences between the physiological equivalents and the psychological equivalents. 4. For each of the three depressive symptoms, statistically significant differences were found between the stand-by replacements and the control group (p < 0 .001, p < 0 .05, p < 0 .001) or the regulars (p < 0 .05, p < 0 .001, p < 0 .001). However, there were no significant differences between the regulars* group and the control group.

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