최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

退行期 偏執症 患者의 自害에 依한 舌 部分切斷 1例

Self-Inflicted Partial Glossectomy in an Involutional Paranoiac

  • 12

A 51 year-old male patient was admitted to Neuropsychiatric ward of Kyunghee University Hospital from April 2 to May 28 in 1984, because he amputed his tongue for himself with a tool under the psychotic state. He has been a heavy drinker with paranoid personality make-up, and lost his father when he was 10 year-old, and separated from his mother at eighteen. Recently, he lost his job and frequently troubled with his spouse, and separated from his son. Psychodynamically, guilt, separation anxiety, lowered self-esteem induced by loss of social role function which led social isolation, and using of rigid adaptation to the stressful life events were remarkable features.

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