Epilepsy is one of the most common disease, but there is no com plete cure for it. Phenytoin is a primary drug used for the treatment of epilepsy, and its serum level is closely related to therapeutic and toxic effects. Clinicaly epilepsy can be aggrevated by acute intake of alcohol and this epileptic a ttack may be hazardous since it may cause many accidents such as falling down injury, drowning, car accident and burnings. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of ethanol on serum phenytoin level in mice. The mature male I.C.R. mice, weighing about 30g, were used and divided into 3 groups. a) control group : phenytoin (50m g/kg, i.m .) alone b) phenytoin(50m g/kg, i.m .) plus ethanol 2 g /k g(i.p) c) phenytoin(50m g/kg, i.m .) plus ethanol 4g/kg:(i.p.) The blood specimens were obtained serially at 1hour, 6 hour, 10 hour, 24 hour, 34 hour and 48 hour after phenytoin administration and serum phenytoin level was determined by using the high performance liquid chromatography. Results are summarized as follows. 1. Ethanol in a dose of 2 g /k g lowered the serum phenytoin level significantly at 1 hour and 6 hour after phenytoin administration, but no significant change was seen thereafter. 2. Ethanol in a dose of 4 g /k g low ered the serum phenytoin level significantly up to 10 hour after phenytoin adm inistration, b u t a t 24 hour, 34 hour and 48 hour th e blood levels were similar to the control group. With these results, it is concluded that acute administration of ethanol causes loweing of serum phenytoin level significantly up to 10 hours.
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실험재료 및 실험방법
실 험 결 과
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