최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과에 입원중인 환자들의 이탈

A Clinical Study on the Escape of Psychiatric Inpatients

  • 19

This study was a survey of all available hospital records pertaining to the 130 escapes of psychiatric in patients who had previously been treated at Kyungpook National University Hospital during the decade of 1973-1982. The findings were com pared with a random sampled control group of 130 inpa-tients. Patients in the age group of 15-24 years showed the highest incidence and there was a tendency for the rate to decrease with advancing age. Also, 67% of the escapees had finished high school or college. In comparison with the control group, the escapees included more first admission cases and fewer multiple admission cases, but also more patients who had acute illness (under 1 year). In all, 62% of the escapees had been admitted involuntarily, as compared with 42% of the control group. Schizophrenia was the most frequent diagnosis, comprising 6996 of the escapees. In comparison with the control group, the escapees tended to receive more serious psychiatric diagnoses, such as schizophrenia (particularly paranoid type) and manic depressive psychosis, while the control group received more diagnoses of organicity or neurotic disorders. Out of all the escapees, 42% of them escaped within the first seven days of admission and the majority of the escapes occurred between noon and 6:00pm. Most of the escapes were detected by ward personnel and about 40% of them returned to the ward in an hour. Prior to the escape, the patients show ed several behavioral characteristics. These data were selected and summarized. Most fall under severe symptom s, treatment refusal, excessive demands, isolation and loneliness. Of the know nescape motivations, delusion was the most common causative factor. Finally, to prevent escape from the psychiatric wards, the author suggested detection of high risk patients, therapist’s active concern for Various needs and adaptive problems of these patients, providing more desirable therapeutic environments (more staff, better facilities, more effective organization) , and coexistence of both a closed ward and an open ward within one psychiatric in-patient unit of a general hospital with proper arrangem ent of patients according to severity of symptoms and need for isolation.

서 론

대상 및 방법

성 적

고 찰

요 약

