This study investigated the external factors of existential frustration in some Koreans, which is the central concept of Existential Analysis of Frankl V .E. to get the preliminary data for standardization of the diagnosis of the Noetic Neurosis and indication of the Logotherapy. The authors studied the 370 studentes and nurses who live in Dae Jeon, with Belfast test. The results are follow ing; 1. The Meaning and The Alinative Dimension are the independent phenomena in personality. 2. The degree of attitudinal value in face of irreversible events and that of creative value in face of reversible events were standardized. 3. In face of irreversible events, the degree of attitudinal value was influenced by the factors; sex, occupation and level of education. In face of reversible events, marital status, age, occupation and level of education were the influencing factors to the degree of creative value. 4. The external factors of existential frustration in the Meaning dimension were mental handicap, loss of eyesight incurable disease and severe handicapped. 5. The external factors of existential frustration in the Alinative dimension were unequal distribution of wealth, unemployment, social conflict and sexual offences. 6. The correlation of each item between M and A dimensions was statistically significant in poverty, discrim ination, unequal distribution of wealth, and corruption. 7. The value system in the some Koreans might be concluded as; Health, Wealth and Equality.
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調査對象 및 方法 (表 1)
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