최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

데모 主動學生의 十年後 追跡 調査

Ten Year Follow up Study on Students with Protest Prone Personality

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This is a 10 year follow -up study of protest prone college students first reported in 1972 by the same author. All of the original seven subjects finished: college, and at present, four are employed in business firms, two are in the United States for Ph.D. w hile one runs a restaurant. In summarizing the lives of these seven students、 since the time of the first study, five stages of life and their meanings can be identified as follow s:(1) Army draft during college-An analysis of these five life stages indicated that the students felt“comfortable and relieved”in the strenuous military enviroment since it was viewed as an expiation of guilt caused by poor academic grade and betrayal of protest comrades, and as well as a form of moratorium . (2) Return-to-college after military service-Back in college, they felt like an “outsider” and thus, excluded themselves from extracurricular and pro-test movement activities. Instead, a great amount of their free time was spent at the United States Cultural Center. (3) Employment-All but two got jobs despite their wish to continue studying. The subjects adjustment at work was excellent since the job was viewed as an altern ate form of“patriotism ”. (4) Life in the United States-The students’long wished for dream of going to the U.S. became a reality as they were sent overseas by their respective companies. Yet, their experience in the U.S. was that of frustration mainly due to feelings of inferiority for being Korean. (5) Returning to Korea-Upon returning to Korea they felt depressed and critical of Koreaness, but gradually got over the “Homecoming Syndrome” and became well adjusted in the Korean culture. A long with these findings, five major psychosocial dynamics emerged as follows: (1) Relationship with parents-The so called “Era of Fatherlessness:’ was not observed in the sample. The core value of the father appeared to have been well inherited by the students although their formal value system differed from their father’s. The emotional stability is largely owed to the intimate Irationship with one’s mother who has been all giving and accepting. (2) Transform ation and adjustm ent-Despite the subjects life history, none of them experienced “identity diffusion syndrome” as expected. This seem ed largely due to the well developed compar- tmentalization as a major defense and strong emotional support from family members. (3) Problem of subjecthood-The problem faced by the students was not in establishing identity but in subjecthod which can be divided into two com-ponents-sefhood and social committments. The latter seemed intact in the from of patriotism , however, selfhood as a form of“historical disocation” appeared doubtful. (4) Independence versus groupism -The subjects appeared extremely dependent on groups (i.e., home town group, alumni association, peer group, etc.) while maintaing a sociably responsible position at the same time, thus being labeled as a“social adult and psychological child”. In relating to a group, the studen ts‘ interpersonal style w as characterized by “Eung-Suk”, literally meaning childish clinging. (5) Style of psychosocial m oratorium -unlike the new style evident in postindustrial society, the moratorium style was out of the one; Among the aforem entioned findings, the maintenance of“double conscioussness” in order to achieve some semblance of equilibrium between inertia and flux was most characteristic. For example, independent yet dependent on grouds, logical and scientific yet romantic and sentimental, westernized yet conservative, and idealistic yet realistic. Many Korean youths are perhaps like the sujects of this study and yet the difference lies in the fact that the subjects are aware and critical of their double consciousness where as the youths in general are not.

서 론

硏究 方法

結 果

社會 精神替學的 考察

要 約

