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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

兒童의 認知眺望과 感情眺望 發達에 관한 硏究

A Study upon Children’s Development of Cognitive and A ffective Perspectives

  • 5

Recent studies on children’s ability of social cognition revealed that it develops earlier than expected in the previous studies. Accordingly, perspective- taking ability which enables children to infer the other’s viewpoint is regarded to develop rather earlier than thought to be. In this study, the authors designed to find out the relationship between children’s age and the development of both the affective perspective and cognitive one with the method modified from the study by Tae-Lyon Kim and Jung-Oh Kim. Six pictures with relevant stories were presented respectively to seventy five male and seventy five female who were kindergartenens, first and third graders respectively, and the responses were analyzed. The results were as follows : 1. Younger the age, more affective perspective was taken, and older the age, more cognitive perspective was taken. 2. Especially, regarding affective perspective, the child who takes more affective perspective upon one figure usually tends to take more affective perspectives upon the others. 3. The differences between male and female children in these perspective taking were not apparent in this study.

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硏究 結果

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