최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

단기 집단 정신치료의 치유 인자

Curative Factors in Short-term Group Psychotherapy

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To evaluate the curative factors in short-term group psychotherapy, we studied 14 volunteer college students who had no previous psychiatric treatment experience who were divided into 2 groups. All participants were requested to complete short-form of Yalom’s curative factors after each session, and to record the most helpful and important events. These subjective data were re-evaluated through personal interview one month after the termination of group psychotherapy. The results were as follows: 1. The factors rated important by the participants were existential awareness, instillation of hope, universality and catharsis in descending order. 2. Interest in better interpersonal relationship was stimulated by learning active listening attitude. Personality maturation was enhanced by sharing: emotional experiences of other participants.

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