최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

精神分裂病에서의 血小板 Monoamine Oxidase 活性度와 血發 Estradiol, Progesterone 및 Testosterone의 相關關係에 關한 硏究

Platelet Monoamine Oxidase activity and its relation to Plasma Estradiol, Progesterone and Testosterone levels in Schizophrenia.

The hypothesis th at certain central dopaminergic systems may be overactive in schizophrenia has quite generally accepted by many investigators. Studies of monoamine oxidase (MAO), the major degradating enzyme of biogenic monoamine, have provided a focus for recent biological research in chizophrenia. This study was set up to determine the alterat-ion of platelet MAO activity and its sexual differences, the change of plasm sex hormone levels and the correlation between platelet MAO activity and plasma sex hormone levels, in 130 schizophrenics, comparing with 197 normal healthy subjects. Platelet M A O activity was determined fluorometrically by the modified method of Kraml, measuring the deamination of kynuramine to 4-OH quinoline, and was expressed as nanomoles of quinoline produced per milligram of platelet protein per hour. At the same time, plasma estradiol, progesterone and testosterone levels wers determined by radioimmunoassay technique, Following results were obtained. 1. Platelet MAO activity is not different in acute schizophrenics, but is low significantly in chronic schizophrenics (63.1% of normal control group). 2. Platelet M A O activity is lower in male chronic schizophrenics (56.06% of control group) than female (64.69%), and the sex difference is significant. 3. Plasma estradiol level is significantly low in male chronic schizophrenics (71.82%). 4. The correlation coefficient between platelet MAO activity and plasma sex hormone levels reveal negative correlation between platelet MAO activity and plasma testosterone level in female chronic schizophrenics. From the results of the study, it is strongly suggested th a t the sex difference of platelet MAO activity in chronic schizophrenia is related to the alteration of plasma sex hormone levels.

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