The author, in describing some recent advances in psychoneuroendocrinology, centers on the recent discovery of the Dexamethason Suppression Test (DST), the T SH response to T RH, and the Grow th Hormone (GH) response in endogenous depressed patients. Lately, it has become certain th a t the recent advances in neuroendocrinology have encouraged many exciting researches in psychiatry and mor accurate data will probably be available in the near future to further facilitate the corect diagnosis of depression. Although the DST, TSH blunting response to TRH and the GH response in depression do not faciliate the differential diagnosis of depression, they are helpful in differentiating depression front catatonia. Sometimes, the clinical differentiation from catatonia is extremely difficult. The sensitivity of DST is approximately 28% to. 2,2% and its specificity has a large variety from 54% to 94%. The TSH blunting response to TRH is not specific to depression and its sensitivity, is. about 25% as a trait marker.
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