최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

기독교인의 신앙치료에 대한 태도 조사

Christians,Attitude toward Fath Healing

  • 23

In order to evaluate Christians, attitude toward faith healing, the author conducted a survey by questionnaire method to 358 young Christians with relatively high educational background who are living in Busan city. The results obtained were as follows; Their concept of fa ith healing was more supernatural than psychological. However, approximately one half of the subjects also showed psychological concept of faith healing. Contrary to the previous notion that Christian fa ith fa ith healing is totally shammanistic and primitive, even the attitude toward supernatural concept was positive in several ways; they saw the faith healing as a blessing or grace from God and as having a function of spreading their faith. Their concept of fa ith healing had a significant correla tion with their attitudes toward religion; supernatural healing concept was positively correlated with conservative attiude and psychological healing concept with realistic attitude. There was some variation difference toward the concept of faith healing according to their age and presence or absence of mission in church; the older age group was more inclined to supernatural healing concept and conservative attitude than the younger group, and those with mission in church also showed the same trend. However, there was no difference in their attitudes toward faith healing according to sex or duration of their faith . When the subjects were asked about their perceived causes of mental disorders, their answers showed a more rational or scientific understandings; they saw the causes of mental disorders as psychological or biological ones rather than supernatural ones. This trend was seen as contradicting to the above mentioned heavily supernatural a ttitude toward faith healing. Thus it was suggested that their attitude toward mental disorders wasrational in intellectual level but their attitude to ward faith healing was still supernatural From these results, the author suggests, for the establishment of healthier concept of faith healing in the future, that mental health education in the churches as well as various socio-cultural influe nces outside of the churches, is very important.

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