The authors subdivided 74 male alcoholics, who had been admitted to the department of neuropsychiatry in Kyunghee University Hospital from January 1977 to November 1983, into primary and complicated alcoholism according to the complication of psychiatric illness, and compared them in view of familial history, alcoholic history and sociodemographic aspect. The results were as following; 1. Among 74 alcoholics, 21(28.4%) belonged to primary alcoholism and 53(71. 6%) to complicated alcoholism. 2. The frequent psychiatric illness, which were complicated to alcoholism, were affective disorder (52.896), personality disorder (22. 6 % ),and drug abuse (15. 1%). 3. In the fam ilial history, the most frequently noticed was alcohol abuse or dependence (59.5% ). In addition, psychosis (9. 596) was more frequently noticed in family of primary alcoholism, while suicide (7.5%) and personality disorder (5.7%) were more frequently noticed in family of complicated alcoholism. B ut the difference was not statistically significant (p>0 .05) • 4. The age of beginning drinking was somewhat older in the complicated alcoholism (p < 0 . 05), and duration of drinking was longer in the primary alcoholism ( p > 0 .05). 5. The primary alcoholics were tended to be low educated (below 9 years), blue collar in job, in lower socioeconomic class. And, in contrast, the complicated alcoholics were tended to be highly educated, white collar, in upper class. The differences were statistically significant ( p < 0 .05) except occupation.
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