While post-graduation psychiatric education is currently facing many critical issues everywhere , little interest has been paid on this field in Korea since it has stated resident training program in 19 - . 58. This paper was to present an historical review of goals and strategies of education of psychiatric residents, analyses of negative factors influencing on those , personal and group experiences in the management of resident training program at a large national university hospital for past 10 years, and some suggestions for further progress in resident education in Korea. 1. It seemed the goals and strategies of residency program in early 1960s were to produce an academ ic-research psychiatrist in a research-oriented program by means of lectures on various theories and of group supervision system , and that it has changed in early 1980s to make a practicing general psychiatrist in a therapy - oriented program by means of clinical practice under individual super vision system . 2. Analyses of negative and destructive factors onto resident training in Korea were as follows. (1) Social factors: Lack of financial support from the government due to heavy burdens on national defense in budgetary allocations , low return rate of well- trained senior psychiatrists from abroad (brain-drains) , and culturally accepted alumni nephotism’ in selection of faculties . (2) Factors related to the business aspects of the hospital administration : Attitudes of regarding psychiatry as the least profitable medical specialy , and fear of mistaken notoriety of the hospital for treating socially prejudiced ‘psycho ’ patients (3) Factors related to general attitude on the methodology of education: placing priorities on lectures and theories rather than on clinical practice. (4) Departmental factors: Low trainer/trainee ratio, and extreme limitation on autonomy in clinical practice for residents. 3. With their own intitiatives faculties of the department of psychiatry, the Seoul National University Hospital, have struggled to overcome those obstacles for the past 10 years, and the outcomes were as follows. (1) Rapid expansion of numbers of faculties and residents: Part-time clinical faculty staffs were mu-ltiplied 8 times (from 4 to 32) by aggressive propagandization for the importance of clinical psychiatry to the hospital medical personnel, discreet diplomacy with the medical school authorities, and by disregarding the policy of alumni nephotism. Now 1/3 of faculties are the previously non-alumni members. Appointments of residents were also doubled (from 4 to 8 each year) by absorbing residency quotas of 2 affiliated mental hospitals. (2) Placing therapy-oriented clinical practice with autonomy as the central part of resident training, by expanding the weekly in-depth case conferences (1 case for each l j hours) from 4 to 7(2 adult wards, childrens’s ward, outpatient clinic, day hospital, continuous psychotherapy case, grand round/ consultation-liaison), changing the didactic character of the chief’s ward round in an old grand-style into ammini-sized symbolic one, limiting the numbers of private in-patients treated by faculties to the minimum, teaching residents the administrative aspects of psychiatric practice by appointing senior residents as assistant administrator to run a ward or unit in rotation, and by providing 2 weeklyindividual supervisions each for1 1/2hours to each resident by 2 different teachers. (3) Emphasis on ‘general psychiatry’ along a dynamic-biological continum with experiences with drug therapy and psychotherapy as the central core of education, and discouraging early exposures to psychoanalysis and basic biological research: To keep this policy continue each faculty member had to sw
序 言
韓國 精神科專攻截敎育의 目標와 方案에 對한 歷史的 考察
韓國 精神科專攻S 敎育에 가로놓인 諸問題點 分析
專攻醫敎育課程 立案•運營과 그 結果에 대한 經驗論的 考察
專攻敎育向上을 위한 提案
要 約