최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Temazepam 및 Sodium Bromide 가 가토혈중 주정 농도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구

Effect of Temazepam and Sodium Bromide on Blood Alcohol Level in Rabbits

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Temazepam is one of 1, 4-benzodiazepine derivatives widely used as a hypnotic and anxiolytic in clinical medicine. Chemically, it is 7-chloro-l, 3- dehydro-3-hydroxy-5- phenyl- 2H- 1, 4- benzodiazepine- 2-one. The sedative, anticonvulsant, and antianxiety effects of temazepam on experimental animals resemble those of other benzodiazepines. It is also proved to be effective as a safe and potent hypnotic. Sodium bromide was widely used as anticonvu lsant and sedative until 1940s. It is still used ccca- sionally in the treatment of grand mal and focal epilepsy. In some respects bromides were taking the place where temazepam now occupies. The author conducted an animal experiment to investigate the effect of temazepam and sodium bromide on blood alcohol level, because many investigators have suggested that many psychotropic drugs elevated blood alcohol level in rabbits. The experiment was done on mature rabbits of both sexes. The control group was given alcohol alone, and the experimental groups were given temazepam, lOm g/kg/day for 5 days, and for 10 days, sodium bromide 0. 5g /kg/day for 5 days, and for 10 days, respectively, before alcohol administration. The last dose was given one and a half hour before alcohol administration. In all groups, 5. Omg /k g of ethanol solution was given intravenously. And, at 15 and 45 minutes after alcohol injection blood specimens were obtained by cardiac puncture. The blood alcohol levels were determined by Cav-ett s method. Comparing w ith the control group, temazepam, when administered in a dose of I0m g /k g of body weight daily for 5 days, did not change the blood alcohol level significantly at both 15 and 45minutes after alcohol administration. But, temazapam, when administered 10mg/kg of body weight daily for lOdays, elevated the blood alcohol level significantly at both 15 and 45 minutes after alcohol administration, sodium bromide, when administered 0. 5g/kg of body weight for 5 days and 10 days, elevated the blood alcohol level significantly at both 15 and 45 minutes after alchol administration. And, sodium bromide elevated the blood alcohol leve significantly higher th an temazepam. It is concluded th a t temazepam or sodium bromide elevates the the blood alcohol level in rabbits, when the dose is sufficient and the duration is long eno-ugh.

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실험재료 및 실험방법


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