최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

殺人 15例를 포함한 精神鑑定 50例에 대한 精神醫學的 考察

The Psychiatric Study on the 50 Legal Cases including 15 Cases of Homicide

  • 16

Between Jan. 1975 and Dec. 1978, the Chon Nam Provincial Mental Hospital have received 50 cases for psychiatric evaluation from the public offices. According to our study of personal background and psychiatric examination record, about 40 cases of mental disorder were found among them. Therefore the results below are from studies done on three areas: diagnostic distribution, criminal phase, and murder characteristics. 1. The sex (N=50) was mostly male (92%). 78% of the cases were 20 to 39-year-old age group. Married patients were 40 percent and unmarried, divorced and separated patients were 60 percent. Half of them received education for one to six years only. 70 percents of them reside in the farm ing and fishing village by a habitation group. Furthermore about half of the cases were out of work. 2. Of the referrals, 64 percent came from the police station, and 22 percent came from the public procurator’s office. 3. 72.5 percent of the diagnostic distribution (N=40) were schizophrenia. 4. In this study, 37.5 percent of the charges were murder, and followed by assault, destruction, the anti-communism law, and the disturbing public-peace law, etc. 5. On the targets of crime the fam ily was 45 percent and the public office was 25 percent. 6. Act of crime were almost all due to psychotic conditions: for example delusion, hallucination, confusion and violence etc. 7. Of 15 cases of homicide, 73.3 percent had schizophrenia. 80 percent of the cases were committed in summer or spring. 46. 6 percent of the homicide occurred during the daytime. 8. 80 percent of the weapons used in com mitting the homicide were tools and blunt weapons. The places where the homicide were committed was usiially one’s house or next door. 9. The victims for murder were mostly consisted of the biological family: parents, life-partners, children, and sisters-in-law, etc. After com mitting the murder, the patients didn’t hide their crime, but commonly they recognized, deviated or denied their crime in part.

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