Forty-two postpartum women who were admitted at the Seoul National University Hospital Obstetric ward from September 21,1982 to October 15, 1982 were subjects of this study. Twenty were vomiters who were regarded as an experimental group and twenty-two were non-vomiters being regarded as a control group. They were interviewed for the purpose of investigating the related psychological factors of the vomiting in pregnancy. Semistructured psychological interview were performed (by the auther) and several suspected items were rated. The results are as follows: 1. Verbally expressed ambivalency whether she wants her baby or not was m uch related to the vomiting in pregnancy. T hat means there could be some more emotional conflict than just mere rejection of pregnancy. 2. Poor mother image such as 1) an anxious, dependent or rather domineering type in reering her child, 2) early childhood loss or separation of her mother, 3) previous traumatic experience about being pregnant was one of the important related psychological factors of the vomiting in pregnancy. 3. Marital problem, especially husband’s concern and understanding was expressed as possible related factors by the statistics. 4. Other factors such as psychosexual disturbance, socio-economic problems and psychosomatic symptoms were not shown as the respectable factors in this study when compared w ith those of the other studies. 5. There were no difference between vomiters and non-vomiters in their characteristics of age, parity, economic status, educational level and having a job.
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