This study investigated the occupational rehabilitation of the mental disabilities after head injury. The author studied 48 male veterans with mental disabilities after head injury, who had visited neuropsychiatric department of Korea Veterans Hospital from Mar. 1, 1982. to Apr. 30, 1983. The results were as follows: 1. The major cause of head injury was explosive accident (50%), and most of them were injuried in the Korean war (43.75%). 2. In socioeconomic status, 50% of the subject belong to middle class and 41. 6% belong to low class. 3. Am ong the mental disabilities after head injury, post traumatic epilepsy was the most frequent (41.6%), followed by neurosis and psychosis. 4. The most common job was guard (43. 8%) 5.Abnormal E E G finding was found in 35. A% of the subject, arid the X-ray finding of skull was abnormal in 66. 6%. 6. Most common difficulties of the occupational adaptation were somatic and psyclologcal symptoms (33. 3%). 7. The 71. B>% of subject changed their job and the mjority of them (62%) changed their job voluntarily. 8. The 46% of the mental disabilities and 71. of the epileptics did not disclose their handicap, to others. 9. The seizure accompanied by headache occured in 42. 9% of the epileptics, and headache was the most common symptom in the neruotics, and delusion & insomnia were the most common symptoms in the psychotics. 10. The seizure frequency of one to twelve times, a year (38%) and less than once a year (38%) were most common. 11. The majority of subjects (58. 7%) graduated from high school and collage, and the test of intelligence showed that most of subjects (91. 5%) were of average intelligence
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연구대상 및 방법
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