최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신분열증과 기질성 뇌증후군 환자간의 비교연구 ᅳ 반응시간과 소인식기능 검사에 관하여 —

A Comparative Study between Schizophrenia and Organic Brain Syndrome — With Special Reference to Reaction Time and Mini Mental State —

  • 15

In order to differentiate the deficits of attention and cognitive function between schizophrenia and organic brain syndrome, the author tested simple visual reaction time and mini-mental state for 30 schizophrenics, 30 patients with organic brain syndrome and 30 controls who were matched for age and sex with the schizophrenic group. These patients hand been admitted to Neuropsychiatric ward of Chungnam National University Hospital and were selected by research criteria of Feighner et al. The data were statistically analysed and the results were obtained as follows. 1. Reaction time of the patients with organic brain syndrome was slower than that of the schizophrenics. And reaction time of the schizophrenics was slower than that of the controls. 2. The score of mini-mental state of the patients with organic brain syndrome was lower than that of the schizophrenics. And the score of mini-mental state of the schizophrenics was lower than that of the controls. 3. Both the organic brain syndrome and the control groups showed significant negative correlation between reaction time and score of minimental state but schizophrenic group didn’t show the correlation.

서 론

연구대상 및 방법

성 적

고 찰

결 론

