The study was carried out in order to find out if there is a phase related menstrual distress in the psychiatric patients and to observe a difference in the degree of menstrual distress between psychiatric patients and normal persons. It furthermore aimed at discovering the correlation of the M M P I and the Moos’ Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (M DQ) scales apiong the psychiatric patients. A few variables were also tested for their influence to the menstrual distress. Subjects were 60 psychiatric patients of 14 psychotics and 46 neurotics. Sixty age-matched control subjects were compared with the patient group. The MDQ and the M M P I were instituted to all the patients and control subjects. Individual psychiatric interview was also performed. The results were as follows. 1. The menstrual distress of all the MDQ symptoms except water retention was severer in the menstrual phase than in the premenstrual phase in the psychiatric patient group as well as in the normal controls. The difference of the MDQ symptom scores between the two phases was statistically significant in the pain, concentration, behavioral change, negative affect and autonomic reaction in the control group and in the items of behavioral change, pain and autonomic reaction in the patient group. 2. Menstrual distress was severer in the patient group as compared to the contol group in all the MDQ scales except the water retention in which there was no difference between patients and con trols. 3. All the MDQ scales of the patient group except water retention and arcusal symptom scales were significantly correlated with the M M P I scales of Sc, Pa, D, Hy, Hs, Pt and Si during menstrual and premenstrual phases. The correlation was greater during the premenstrual phase in all the MDQ scale except the control symptom scale. Autonomic reaction, pain and control symptoms of the MDQ scales were significantly corelated with the neurotic triads of Hs, D, Hy and psychotic scales of Pa, Pt and Sc. Meanwhile, the MDQ scales of concentration and negative affect were significantly correlated with Pa, Pt and Sconly. 4. Unlike other MDQ symptoms, scores of water retention symptoms showed no difference between the patient group and the control group and between premenstrual and menstrual phases. In addition, it did not bear any correlation with the MMPI scales. 5. Almost no difference in the menstrual distress was observed between the psychotics and the neurotics. 6. Age, marital status, and duration of marital life did not bear any influence the menstrual dis- tress. However, those without children showed remarkably greater menstrual distress than those with children Thus from the above results, the followings are suggested; Psychiatric patients as well as normal women do have phase-related menstrual distress and the symptom complaints of the psychiatric patients are severer than those of the normal women. There is a significant correlation between most of the menstrual symptoms of the patients and their personality/adjustment variables, especially in the premenstrual phase. Water retention symptoms in contrast to other menstrual distresses, such as pain, concentration, behavioral change, autonomic reaction, negative affect and arousal, is not influenced by psychological and personality factors.
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