The purpose of this study was to analyze the outlook on self-image held by the Korean adolescents and to recognize the morality of the Korean people. The data were collected from 485 junior and senior high-schᄋ이 students of 243 males, 242 famales from 8 Schools in Seoul and Kyimg buk area. The survey was conducted by questionnaires. The subjects were asked to write down 5 merits and 5 shortcomings of Korean way of thinking or pattern of behavior. Statistical methods employed were the Chi-square test and rank order correlation analysis. The results are as follows: 1. The number of responses of positive self-image of Koreans, as perceived by the subjects were 1, 542 responses with a mean response number of 3.14 per subject. A total of 1,765 responses of negative self-image were collected with a mean response number of 3. 64 per subject. The response number was relatively high in the male students, rural students, and academically superior students. 2. The abridged categories of the positive selfimages for Koreans perceived by the subjects were tender heartedness, courtesy, respect, cooperation, self-denial, diligence and frugality, respect for tradition, extroversion, simple-heartedness, creativity, etc. In ether words, the adolescent students viewed Koreans as being tender hearted, courteous, respectful, having strong cooperation, and being self-denying. The male students, especially, perceived Koreans as having cooperativeness, strongly independent, sincere and creative; whereas, the female students viewed the Koreans as a tender hearted and courteous race. 3. The items of the negative self-image for Koreans, as viewed by the subjects were egocentricity and impulsiveness, weak in public mindedness, disbelief, dependence, uncooperativeness, attachment to the past, conservatism, extravagance, intolerance, introversion etc. In other words, the Korean adolescents looked upon the Koreans as being egocentric and impulsive, weak in public mindedness, disbelieving, highly dependent, and overly protective of one’s dignity. The male student expressed that the Koreans were a race having strong disbelief, passiveness, and introversion, who do not express their feelings outright. The females, on the other hand, expressed Koreans as having male chauvanistic views.
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연구대상 및 방법
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