In these years, the Korean A rm y has heightened the army conscript examination criteria for choosng soldiers of better quality. In such a standpoint, psychiatric medical officers have studied steadily for early discovery of the problem soldiers to raise the judgement standards of the adaptability for the military life of the psychologically handicapped persons such as those w ith tattoos, self-injured scars or cigarette burns. But there has been no study of the attitudes of the fellow soldiers toward such persons. The writer made an investigation through questionnaires on the attitudes of 500 soldiers of the 00 Corps toward tattoos, self-injured scars and cigarette burns, and analysed 477 answers exclusive of 23 unhelpful answers. The results are as follows: 1) Of the answerers 55% were students or office workers, 72% urbanites and more than 90% high school graduates, before enlistment. 2) Of the answerers most have negative attitudes toward tattoos, self-injured scars and cigarette burns, but a half show an opinion that they could make friends with persons with such marks if they are of good character. 3) In many cases, the reason of making such marks is that they think such marks make them look agressive or feel hardy, inspiring others with awe. 4) Of the answerers 25. Z% have ever seen persons with tattoos, 29.1% persons with self-injured scars, 33.8% persons with cigarette burns. And 896 have ever been tempted to have his body tattooed and 9.1% have his body cigarette-burned. 5) The shapes of a tattoo they like best are, in order of preference, a flower, a dragon, a butte- rfly , a letter, a heart and an animal. And those that they like least are, in order, a skeleton, a sword, a snake, a heart and an insect. 6) Of the answerers 49. 6% th in k that persons with such marks m ight have been deliquents and 33. 1% think they might have made such marks on the impulse of the moment. Therefore, in the writer’s opinion, close examination is required for the judgement of the adaptability of the psychologically handicapped persons for the military life.
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조사대상 및 방법
연구 결과
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