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KCI등재 학술저널

꿈 分析을 통한 精神治療 修練

Psychotherapy Training through Group Dream Sessions

  • 7

Seven psychiatric residents have experienced 19 successive series of group dream sessions as a method of psychotherapy training. The dream sessions were conducted by the senior author (psychotherapy supervisor) in the department of neuropsychiatry, Kyung-Pook University Hospital, and the sessions lasted for 8 months’ duration from March to November, 1981. Each dream session ran for 90 minutes on the weekly one time basis. Dream sessions primarily consisted of reporting manifest dreams of a ll participants, of freely associating to the dream images, and of discussing the materials. The supervisor tried to interpret the dream material psychotherapeutically. All dream sessions were tape-recorded. The presupposed purpose of group dream sessions was to experience the psychotherapeutic situation and to understand basic concepts of dynamic psychotherapy as well as to have insight into their ow n emotional problems. To evaluate the effects of dream sessions, the authors reviewed all the recordings of the dream sessions after 10 months after the termination of the sessions. In addition, the authors had individual interviews and one group discussion with all participants to evaluate the after effects. Aquestionare composed of 32 items was applied to the participants of analyzing the data of the experience. The results could be summarized as follows; All participants of the group dream session agreed that the experience was a kind of insight group psychotherapy w ith h ig h ly emotional atmosphere; each session had been rather tense and characterized by lack of verbal exchange, but was followed by extra group talk in g when the supervisor was absent. Main subjects of and emotional conflicts among the participants. The nature of the transference of the participants was colored by the authority problem toward the supervisor; the reason for this could be partly explained by the fact that the supervisor also serves as a real figure (director of the psychiatric department). The supervisor himself gained insight into his own countertransference of domineering tendency, which manifested in the form of excessive and sometimes rather critical interpretations. The total number of manifest dreams reported during 19 sessions was 122, which counted 1 dream for each member in a session. As to the contents of the manifest dreams, the author could identify several categories of central themes; dependenceindependence conflicts(26%), expression of hostility and aggressive impulse (21%), helplessness (15%), overt ambivalence (8% )t feeling of rejection (5%),depression (3%) and others. It is interesting that the pictorial background in the manifest dreams frequently showed the training hospital; around one third of a ll dreams. Accordingly, the members could express various emotional conflicts of the psychiatric training and the: conflicts could by worked through. Finally , the reaction to the dream session wasparticulary impressive in that their previous concepts about psychotherapy became vividly clear from their own experience of dream sessions; in terms of the basic concepts of the unconsious, transference, resistence and others. The authors felt th at the group dream sessions could be a useful tool for learning and teachingdynamic psychotherapy.

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