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KCI등재 학술저널

학령전기 아동의 귀신 및 도깨비에 관한 개념

Preschool children’s conception of Kui shin and Dokkaebi

  • 34

This study is an attempt to investigate 4-and 5-year-old children,s perception of Kui Shin (ghost) and Dokkaebi (devil) and how the concepts evolved. Forty kindergarten children (20 boys, 20 girls) were interviewed through semistr ucture d questionaire and asked to draw a person, a Kui Shin and a Dokkaebi and to make stories about them . Mothers of these children were requested to fill out a questionaire consisting of 17 questions regarding their children ’s background and their own percaption of Kui Shin and Dokkaebi. The results were as follows. 1. Though children tend to omit eye, mouth , nose in Kui Shin drawing , Kui Shin was strikingly similar to human figure drawing . The morphological characteristics of Kui Shin were long hairs, sharp nails and long skirts. The subjects described that the method of locomotion of Kui Shin was“walks ”in 85%. A majority (62. 5%) of the subjects felt Kui Shin was exclusively female. Seventy five felt Kui Shin was unfriendly or scary and 54% of the subjects stated that they were afraid of Kui Shin because of fear of being eaten. 2. There was no great difference between human figure drawing and Dokkaebi drawing, but the subjects tended to exaggerate male characteristics in Dokkaebi. In their drawing, most Dokkaebis had two horns or large ears and a big club. The majority of children (76%) stated that Dokkaebis were exclusively male and 91% felt Dokkaebi as unfriendly and destructive. Ninety four of the subjects stated that Dokkaebi “walks”. In general, the majority of the children seemed to lack a clear conception of Dokkaebi compared to Kui Shin. 3. The differences in children’s conception of Kui Shin and Dokkaebi existed mainly in sex, external feature and characteristics. However, both of them were quite similar to the human figure. 4 . The difference in children’s and parent’s conception of Kui Shin and Dokkaebi existed mainly in gender assignment and characteristics. 5. It is speculated that young children’s perception of Kui Shin result from projection of fear of engulf ment and “bad mother” image, experienced during early separation-individuation phase and that of Dokkaebi result from projection of anxiety and fear of father experienced in Oedipal stage.

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