An attempt was made to fin d some chararteristics of drawings of the schizophrenic patients’ and their psychological meaning. Ninety one landscape drawings and seventy five human figure drawings produced by schizophrenic patients who had been adm itted to Soonchunhyang hospital from March 1979 to September 1982 were evaluated and compared with those of the normal control group. The results were as follows. 1. Poor space filling, poor completion and detailed elaboration were predominant in both landscape drawings and human figure drawings of the schizophrenic group, which was thought to represent the with drawal phenomenon. 2. Absence of movement expression was more frequently noted in landscape drawing of the schizophrenic group. Loss of spatial perspectives was more frequently noted in both landscape drawings and human figure drawings of the schizophrenic group. And the monocolor drawings were more predo-minant in the schizophrenic group. These facts were thought to suggest the disru-ption of reality sense. 3. Script was more frequently noted in human figure drawings of the schizophrenic group. 4. Appearance of the symmetry and the non-representing stereotypy were predominant in landscape drawings of the schizophrenic group. 5. Appearance of the sun or moon was more frequently noted in landscape drawings of schizophrenic group. 6. Distortion was a predominant phenomenon in human figure drawings of the schizophrenic group. 7. Poor completion and detailed elaboration in landscape drawings and loss of spatial perspectives in human figure drawings were predominant in paranoid group compared with nonparanoid group
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