정신분열병의 발병시기에 미치는 제 변인에 관한 연구 ᅳ 조기발병군과 만기발병군의 임상적 비교 ᅳ
A Study on Variables Affecting the Time of Onset of Schizophrenia — Clinical Comparison of Early Onset and Late Onset Group ᅳ
The purpose of this study was to delineate and to compare the differences of sociodemographic and clinical variables between early onset and late onset schizophrenic patients. The first 30 patients (early onset group) and the last 30 patients (late onset group) were selected according to the onset age from 129 cases of schizophrenic patients admitted to department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul N ational University Hospital from 1th Jan. 1979 to 31th Dec. 1981. The results were as follows : 1. The prognosis in the early onset group was poorer than that in the late onset group. 2. The early onset group revealed higher frequency of physical handicaps and major physical illnesses during childhood. 3. The early onset group was more frequently raised in urban areas during childhood while the late onset group was raised more frequently in rural areas. 4. Parents of the early onset group showed more frequent, persistent discord or disharmony in marital relationship and the late onset group tended to be reared by one parent. 5. Fathers of the early onset schizophrenics were characterized as cold and in different to his offsprings and those of the late onset group were stubborn and dominant. There was no difference in maternal characteristics. 6. Sibling size of father of the early onset group was significantly larger than that of the late onset group. 7. It is suggested th at paternal factors are more closely related to the determination of the time of onset than maternal factors.
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