The graphic works produced by the admitted mental patients from March, 1979 to the beginning of August, 1982, are reviewed to investigate the schizophrenic’s characteristic signs of the graphic works. To 883 selected graphic products according to the design among collected graphic works, we apply the combined criteria of schizophrenic signs on the basis of H. R ennert’s and L. Navratil’s opinion. The mental patients are classified into two groups; the schizophrenic group ( M = 104) and the rem aining other mentally-ills, the control o n e (N = 46) to compare the frequency of each charateristicsign between two groups. The graphic productivity of the schizophrenics is also taken into consideration for the prelim inary study. The results make us arrive at some conclusion as followings. 1. There is no single schizophrenic sign of the graphic products discrim inating between two groups. But there is the statistical significance in the overall productivity of graphic works between not having any schizophrenic sign and having oner which is an indirect evidence of the value of those criteria. Also the characteristic formal expression of condensation as a group criterion has statistical meaning. 2. Although the value of schizophrenic sign doesn’t lie in its frequency but in its meaning, its low frequency and th e less statistical significance between two groups result from the next possible factors in this study. The one the schizophrenic group has the less regressed cases, and the other the control group is not consist of “normal” population, but of other psychiatric patients: including such as manic depressive patients. 3. Especially we find out th at there are few schizophrenic signs in graphic contents; which probably reflects one aspect of the cultural diffe-rence between the East and the West. 4. Some graphic products show the empty space left without drawing in the pictures (20%), the object floating in the air without baseline (5% ), and intervening of the letter in the drawings (15%) in both groups. The reflection on these findings includes the probable influences of some psychotropic drugs im pairing the patient’s concentration, of passive participation in the drawing activity, and of the oriental painting style to a certain extent. 5. The tentative survey of graphic productivity results in the finding that the graphic producti- vity of the schizophrenics is higher comparing to the control. But further well-defined control study is required to examine the graphic productivity exactly. With above-mentioned findings it is suggested that the consideration of demographic characteristies as some variables, the more clear-cut objectiv ity of some criteria, the application of normal group as th e control, and the comparison of illness severity including illness-progression with graphic expression, are necessary to the establishment of such a criterion. Also the influence of Korean cultural difference on graphic expression is the task studied in the near future.
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