최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

히스테리 신경증의 증상 양상 변화

Changes of Symptom Pattern in Hysterical Neurosis

  • 17

This study was designed to investigate the changing patterns of hysterical symptoms in relation to socio-cultural changes of Korea. The author selected 34 cases of hysterical neurosis who had been admitted to the neuropsychiatric ward of Busan Paik Hospital from Aug. 8, 1979 to Nov. 12, 1981. The samples were analysed systematically, especially in the point of therapists feeling tone toward each symptom. Each symptom was measured by 3 points scoring method which was designed by the author’s own idea, but still not examined in the sense of statistical validity. The followings were observed by this study. 1. The results were similar to those of previous studies in Korea, in terms of admission rate, age distribution, educational background and the status in socioeconomic classes. 2. In assessing changing patterns of the symptoms several items seemed to be helpful. They are secondary gain, precipitating factors, admission rate, age distribution, the educational background, the socioeconomic status and the distribution mutual relations of each symptom. 3. It was the author’s impression that we need to develop an instrument to detect the changes of hysterical symptoms exactly in terms cf quantity and quality. 4. Some presumptive evidences for the increased scores of pain symptoms, psychosomatic symptoms and psychological symptoms were observed in this study. But there was no evidence for absolute increase in these sorts of symptoms and for absolute decrease of motor and dissociative symptoms. 5. The scores for sensory symptoms were decreased but the meaning of this result is difficult to explain conclusively at present.

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연구대상 및 방법

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