최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과 자문에 있어 자문의견의 반영도

Acceptance of Consultants, Opinions in Psychiatric Consultation

The authors studied consultees’ acceptance of psychiatric consultants,opinions on 602 inpatients who were referred to the department of psychiatry at Yonsei University Hospital during the period from Janary 1st to December 31, 1981 and also on other related problems which psychiatric consultation-liaison service is facing in the general hospital. The results showed that the frequency of consultation was still as low as 2.41% of total inpa tients, but did show some increase comparing with author’s previous study in 1977. The demographic data showed nothing significant except that the department of internal medicine had referred most patients. Survey of the medical records revealed that many consultees had already prescribed psychotropic drugs even before consultation in spite of their lack of understanding on the patients’ psychiatric problems. Of psychiatrists’ diagnoses, neurotic depression was most frequent. And gastrointestinal system was most frequentlyinvolved organ system, which seems to reflect the characteristic tendency of somatization in Korean patients. Psychiatrists’ opinions regarding psychiatric diagnosis were accepted in 68. 3% of 414 patients recommended. Recommendation of psychological test, psychotherapy and transfer to the department of psychiatry were accepted in only one third of paitents recommended. However, recommendation of psychotropic medidation was accepted in almost all patients. This gap seems to reflect nonpsychiatrists’ typical attitude toward psychiatric consultation. With these disturbing findings, the author discussed on the strategies for improving nonpsychiatrists’ understanding of possible psychiatric problems in their patients and undesirable attitude toward consultation-liaison service of psychiatry

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