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KCI등재 학술저널

암 환자의 불안과 우울에 관한 연구

Anxiety and Depression of the Hospitalized Cancer Patients

  • 50

The author studied the emotional status, especially, anxiety and depression and their influential factors of the hospitalized cancer patients by means of the semistructured interview and psychological tests (SAS, MMPI, BDI). The results were as follows; 1. Among the total 102 inpatients, considerable anxiety was noticed in 40% of them by SAS, and depression in 40% by MMPI and 60% by BDI. 2. Sex differences were noted with statitical sig-nificence, the female patients are more anxious than the male patients. (p < 0 .05) The older the patients, the more anxious~and depressed, and the maximum anxiety and depression were noticed in the 6th decade group. (p < 0 .05) 3 . The anxiety scores lower in the Protestant and Catholic group than the Buddhists and other religions group. (p < 0 .05). 4 . The patients who had been surgically operated was more anxious and depressed than those who had not been operated though the differences were not statistically significance. 5. The patients who had been informed about the dignosis, had less anxiety and depression than those who had not been informed on the dignosis, but as the time went on, the informed patients became increasingly anxious and depressed. 6 . The depression was more severe in the group who had neurotic symptom in the past than those who did net. 7. According to the affected organs, the patients having the genital organ cancer (uterine cervical cancer, breast cancer) were more anxious and depressed than the other organ cancer patients.(p < 0 .05). 8 . Anxiety and depression of the cancer patients were positively correlated each other.‘ The more anxious the patients, the more depressed and vice versa.

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