최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

小兒期 精神分裂病 7例 報告

Seven Children with Early Manifested Schizophrenia

The authors reported 7 cases of schizophrenia minifested in childhood who had bsen hospitalized from July 1, 1979 to July 25, 1981. Three of them were boys and 4, girls. The boys were all the oldest and one girl was the oldest and the orthers were 2nd or3rd daughters who were associated with the neglected parenting. The age of onset ranged from 5 to 10 years and 10 months. Family history of psychosis was found in three of the 7 cases. Six of the 7 children were reported premorbidly odd by the parents as being extremely shy, timid, withdrawn and isolated, having so called schizoid traits. Symptoms and signs were almost the same as those of adult schizophrenia. Hallucinations were found in 5 children, | delusions, in 5 cases and disturbances of association, also in 5 cases. The mode of onset was insidious in all cases except one. Developmental milestone delays, history of perinatal complications and EEG abnormalities or abnormal neurological exemination findings, all suggestive of cerebral dysfunctions, were found in five children. In terms of parenting, severe overprotective parenting during the first few years after birth were substituted suddenly by neglected or rejected ones in the three children. In three girls neglected parentings were found. All schizophrenic children improved with the medication of relatively high doses of antipsychotic drugs, for example, chlorpromazine 700mg per day. From these results, it is suggested that cerebral dysfunction and extreme and sudden changes of parenting attitudes and/or rejected or neglected parenting are responisble for the early minifestations of schizophrenia in already vulnerable high-risk individuals.

緖 論

症 例

考 察

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