In order to study the prognostic factors and symptoms which could influence outcome of schizophrenia, the author surveyed 43 schizophrenic patient who met D.S.M.-III schizophrenic criteria and who could be followed up until Feb. 1982, among 108 schizophrenic patients who had been admitted Busan National University Hospital fr- om Mar. 1976 to Feb. 1980 for the first time. The outcomes were scored by the modified scale and the mean score were analyzed by using T-test (two-tailed) and correlation coefficient. The results were as follows 1 . The outcomes were highly significantly better in acute onset, and in proper late onset age and the good premorbid adjustment. 2. The outcome was highly signficantly poor when the premorbid personality was sichizoid. 3. The outcomes were negatively corelated to the number of admissions and significantly poor when the intelligence was below the average. 4. The outcomes were negatively corelated to the duration of discontinuence of medication and total duration of hospitalization. 5. The outcome was highly significantly poor in the patients with emotional blunting while significantly better in the patiauts with guily feelings. 6. The outcome was not favorable even when the patients had depressive symptom or positive family history,
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