최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

精神病院 長期入院 患者의 病的反射

Incidence and Clinical Significance of Pathologic Reflexes in Chronic Psychiatric Inpatients

Ten pathologic reflexes were tested in 464 mental hospital inpatients and 200 normal subjects. The ages of the subjects ranged from 11 through 66 years old. The incidences of pathologic reflexes in the patient group were, 40% in the glabella reflex, 20 in the palmomental, eight in the Hoffmann and six in the snout. Whereas in control group, the glabella reflex was positive in only five %、the palmomental 20, the Hoffmann eight and the snout six. Incidences of the palmomental, snout, glabella, and Hoffmann reflex in control group increased with advancing age. The palmomental and snout reflexes in patients group also showed an incre- asing pattern with advancing age. The glabellar palmomental and Hoffmann reflex appeared earl- ier in the age and more often in the patients group than control group It appears that some primitive reflexes are normal phenomena in a significant proportion of the healthy population.

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