Thirty neurotics and 30 normal controls were studied for their self concepts, to delineate what factors of the self concepts could be extracted and to find out in what subvariables of the self concepts the ideal-real self disparity was more conspicuous. A deck of 50 cards with various descriptions of characteristic self concepts derived from Fitt’s Self Concept Scale was used for Q-sort to sort out each subject’s ideal self and real self respectively. Ideal-real disparity of the self concepts was calculated and factors of the ideal-real self concepts of the two groups were extracted respectively. No difference was shown between ideal self concepts of the neurotics and normal controls, in that both groups were characterized by favorable attitude and a harmony of self-centeredness and altruism. The neurotics revealed a marked qualitative disparity between ideal and real self concepts, whereas the normal controls showed less qualitative disparity. Moreover, a quantitative difference was also significant between ideal and real self concepts of the neurotics, more specifically in the areas of self satisfaction and self identity, indicating a negative attitude of self rejection which could be attributed to the marked disparity between ideal and real self concepts of the neurotics. Out of the real self concepts of the neurotics, 5 facters were extracted i.e., the core neurosis, the helplessness, the hypochondriasis-somatization, the impulsivity and the denial mechanism, thus enabling a new possible classification of the neurotics in accordance with different sets of self concepts.
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