This study deals with some aspects of psychiatric use of physical restraints. A total of 476 patients were admitted to the department of neuropsychiatry of Yoido St. M ary’ s Hospital, Catholic Medical College from Aug. 1, 1980 to July 31, 1981. A mong these patients 73 cases were physically restrained during this period and all included in this study. The results were as follow s; 1. 35 patients were males and 38, females. More than one half of the restrained patients were in their twenties (37. 0%) and thirties (23. 3% ). 2. Diagnostically schizophrenia was most frequent (53.5% ), and the next w as organic brain syndrome (12.496) 9 and alcoholism (11. 0%) in that order. 3. The frequencies of physical restraints per patient ranged from 1 to 9 (total 151 times), and 33 patients were restrained only once. 4. Physical restraint was required on the first day of admission in 21. 9% of all cases/ but in 39.1% of total number of uses, it was required after 7 days. Most restraints were able to be removed within 24hours. 5. Common impulsive ward behaviors of the physically restrained patients were disruption of therapeutic environment (40 times), assaultive to staffs or patients (35 times) and verbally abusive and combative with staffs (33 tim es). The most common cause for physical restraints was that for the administration of medical care to non-cooperative patients (70 cases, 46. 3%). Violent behaviors requiring a physical restraint were more common in nonschizophrenics than schizophrenics.
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