This study is to investigate the difference in the symptom manifestations of schizophrenia and major affective disorder. The subjects consisted of 726 schizophrenics and 103 cases with major affective disorder who had been admitted to the psychiatric ward of Yoido St. Mary’s hospital Catholic Medical College from June. 1, 1975 to Dec. 31, 1978. The results were as follow s; 1. The sym ptoms occurring only in schizophrenic patients were waxy flexibility, echolalia, echopraxia, neologism, visual hallucination and other hallucination. 2. The symptoms which occurred with a statistically significant rate in schizophrenic patients were stereotypic activity, praecox feeling, blunting or flattening of affect, poor insight, loosening of association, magical thinking, autism, idea of reference, bizarre delusion, persecutory delusion, auditory hallucination and characterestic hallucination. The symptom swhich occurred with a statistically significant rate in the patients with major affective disorder were increased psychom otor activity, mutism, euphoria or elation, flight of idea, retardation of thought and other delusion. 3. Flight of idea and euphoria or elation, showed statistically significant relationship to major affective disorder.
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