A statistical study was aimed at providing some basic data about neuropsychiatric inpatients of an army general hospital for a formulation of prevention and treatment of military neuropsychiatric patients. The subjects were 286 patients, who had been admitted at the neuropsychiatric department of Capital Armed Forces General Hospital during the period from Jan. 1st, 1979 to Dec. 31th, 1980. The results were as follows; 1. Diagnostic distribution was as follows: neurosis 34. 9%, schizophrenia 19.2%, epilepsy 15. 0% and personality disorder 9. 5%. 2. About half of the patients (50.3%) had been admitted to the hospital within one year of their military service. 3. History of psychiatric admission before enlistment into the army was elicited in 14.1% of all the subjects, 33. 3% of the manic depressives and 25. 5% of the schizophrenics, suggesting reinforcement of the neuropsychiatric evaluation of the enlistees. 4. For the effective selection of the healthy soldi- ers, it is required the more detailed and active psychiatric induction center
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