최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

韓國 正常成人의 大腦機能 側向化 — Dichotic Listening 檢查를 이 용하여 ᅳ

Cerebral Lateralization in Normal Korean Adults — With Dichotic Listening Test ᅳ

The authors surveyed lateralized functions of the cerebral hemisphers with the dichotic listening in the subjects of medical personnels and medical students of Chosun university, 36 males and 50 females, all of whom were regarded as strong right handers with the preliminary study with Annett’s (1970) method for handedness. The results were as follows: 1. In the study with words, they answered to 38.93 ±8.78 (53.40%) out of 72 words of the dichotic listening test, either correctly or incorrectly; the number of correct answers was 31.51 ±10.30(42.90%) and that of incorrect ones was 7.41 ±4.30 (10.52%) words. 2. In the above study of dichotic listening, both the scores of total answers and correct answers were significantly higher in female than in male (P<.005). 3. In the correct answers of this study, the number of words through right ear was 18.64 ±6.65 and the number of words through leftt ear was 12.5 ±6.24, revealing that right ear was dominant in the perception of words. 4. In the study with the digits, they answered to 50.50± 12.84 (63.13%) out of 80 pairs of digits of the dichotic listening test, either correctly or incorrectly; the number of correct answers was 31.24± 11.69(39.05%) and that of the incorrect ones was 19.7 8± 8.93 (24.72%). 5. In the above study with answers of digits, both scores of the total answers and correct answers were significantsy higher in female than in male (P<. 005). 6. In the study with correct answers, the right ear was dominant in the perception of digits (P < . 005); the number of digits through right ear was 18.01 ±7.87 and the number of digits th-rough left ear was 13.23±8.38.

緖 論

硏究對象 및 方法

결 과

고 찰

결 론

