The author studied the somatic discomforts of 120 depressed women who were in-patients and out-patients in department of neuropsychiatry, Soon Chun Hyang Medical College and Paik Hospital of In Je Medical College from Sept. 1, 1979 to Dec. 31, 1980. The result were as follows; 1. The most frequent age distribution was the fourth decade. 2. Somatic discomforts reported by at least 50% of all patients were 13 of 69 items and these were “anorexia”, (70%), “shallow and easilydisrup ted sleep”, (69%), “initial insomnia” (64%), “indigestion and stomach aches” (63%), “heavy headedness” (58%), “periods f weakness/extreme fatigue ” (57%) and “heart pounding ” (56%) etc. 3. The classes of discomforts with high pretreatment severity were “sleep disturbances”, “stomach troubles”, “fatigue ”,“dry mouth ”, and “climacteric symptoms” in that order and all of these classes showed statistically significant improvement after atreatment period of 3 weeks (p < 0 .0 1 ). Each items of discomforts with high pretreatment severity were “shallow and e asily disrupted sleep”, “anorex ia”,“in itia l insom nia”,“giddiness or dizziness”, “heavy headedness” and “indigestion and stomach aches”. 4. Eight classes of discomforts such as “autonomic”,“intestinal”,“gastric”,“sleep”,“dry mouth ”, “clim acteric”, “c onstipation” and “m uscular symptoms” showed “significantly ”higher severity in the depressed group at admission than in the non-patient control group ( p < 0 . 05). Comparing the somatic discomforts by different age brackets, patients in the third decade were predom inated by gastrointestinal symptoms, these in the four th decade were characterized by muscular discomforts, those in the fifth decade by dry mouth and those in the sixth decade by clim acteric symptoms and constipation. Sleep d isturbances were conspicuous discomforts among depressed women of all ages.
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