최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

대학 음악 교육과정에 관한 연구

  • 34

Much improvement has recentry been made of music and music education in our country. Compared with advanced countries, however, music and music education in our country has many problems. The cultivation of music teachers in our country does represent the true approach to the cultivation of the teachers. The education for prospective music teachers is largely centered on performance which is a great distance from the ideals of education while subjects relating to teaching career are offered only as a secondary consideration. The department of music education in college of education which are supposed to take charge of the education have short history and the curricula. are apparently being remodeled to be similar to one of college music. Thus this study attempts to draw up ideal curricula by comparing existing music curricula in our country with those in foreign countries. 1. The results from comparing the major courses of collected 9 curricula of college of music, 17 curricula of music department and 15 curricula of music education department of our country can be summarized as following: a). They give too much emphasis upon the individuality or independence of each field of major, such as vocal music, instrumental music and composing. That causes the lake of comprehensive basic capability in music which is essential for a music teacher. b). They do not provide much opportunity for the student to develop the ability of accompaniment of piano. c). Those music education departments have the goal, they show much differences in detail of education. for example, each of them has different system of course of study. They also show big differences in emphasizing the subjects by giving different system. 2. This study poits up the following: a). Music courses for general music students will be separated from those intended for the students of music education and scheduled in accordance with their purposes. b). New model curriculum provides students two or three major courses. In the first course, every students choose one specific field which they like to study deeply. In the second course or third course, every students develop the ability of accompaniment of piano or another instruments which is important for the music teacher. c). In order to realize the purposes of music education at the secondary education level, systematic and specialized curricula must be constructed as shown in those in foreign countries. If these points are improved, we believe that music education curricula will be consisted of the various subjects and directed for intensive and specialized instruction.
