Art as a symbol is a passage and a medium to communicate with human complex inner life. Art symbolizes human feeling through expressive form. On the basis of the semblance between the human feeling form and the artistic form, the works of art gain the liveliness. People get `import` through the artistic insight. The import as a vital meaning and a gestalt establishes the unique domain of awareness which is obtained by the experience of art. The expressive form of art objectifies the subjectiveness of life which the discursive form can`t express, therefore art is the projection of life and human feeling. Nowadays, there are several problems in music education. The problems is caused by the view of education which emphasizes the knowledge and by the confusion among the various aesthetic views of music. This study was intended to solve these problems on the basis of the art symbolic theory. According to this intention, this study involve consideration about the concept of the expressive form as a non-discursive form and the process of symbolic transformation. Through the process of this consideration, the researcher wanted to make clear the educational significance of the import in music education. The result of the study is as follow. 1) Music education is justified as a subject matter by the view of music art as a symbolic form. 2) Music educators should make the formation of artistic import of the intrinsic aim of music education. 3) Music education should be accomplished by the expressive form which is non-discursive, because the expressive form is the most important concept in music education. 4) The role of discursive symbol should be accepted in music education, and it`s usefulness should be considered in relation to the music.