최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

창조적 표현력의 신장을 위한 국민학교 창작지도의 자료개발

  • 6

A creative work is the most fundamental act of expression in the musical activity, and the means to express the feeling and idea of human being. So, this is not the thing which already existed but the creative act which is changed and improved by new ideas. Such works can provided men not only affluent and varient life, but also the basis of development which is different from yesterday`s. If the aim of education is the teaching of the way which improves the quality of life and the way of helping each other, then the cultivation of creative idea through the music education could be the most fast short cut to attain these two aims. Therefore, the learning of creative expression is a very important part of music teaching, and we need to develop various ways and techniques to achieve such aims. In this study, I discussed the basic attitude and methods of teaching creative works and its, process for teachers who teach musical creative work in primary schools. Also I presented many useful materials for works, and ideas for the application. The materials given here divided into three groups, 1st to 2nd, 3rd to 4th and 5th to 6th grade by their school grades, for use them by the degree of progress. For every group, I developed a bit different teaching materials for their progress. Especially, I prepared the sounds recording of animals, birds, nature, and also some of the music pieces for the help of children`s sensitivity through sounds and moods when they are in the process of preparation and imagination. I hope that all these materials could be used and applied in various places, situations and cases with many variations and new ideas by the teachers.
