A clinical study on fifty five general paretics who were hospitalized at National Mental Hospital during a six year period (1975.1.1— 1980.12.31) was done and the results were as follow ing s: 1. The average admission rate of general paretics among the total inp atients was 0.87% Since 1977, it was seen to have been declining. 2. The ratio of male to female paretics was about 5 : 1 . 3. The mean age of clinical onset was 41 years. 4. The most of the paretics lived in metro politan areas or other major cities and they were prominently of lower socio-economic class. 5. The abnormal EEG finding s were detected in 40.1% of the untreated cases and VDRL test in CSF was reactive in 75.7% of the untreated cases. 6. Total clinical remission rate was 41.8% and the more affective the clinical manife station , the higher was the remission rate. 7. Psychiatric and neurologic symptoms were protean in manifestations.
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