최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

韓國 島峡地方(江華郡)의 自殺에 對한 疫學 및 精神醫學的 硏究

An Epidemiological and Psychiatric Studies of the Suicides in a Korean Island, Kang Wha County

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An epidemiological and psychiatric studies about suicides in Kang W ha county for the past 3 years from January 1, 1977 to December 31, 1979 was conducted in order to identify overall pictures of suicides committed in the residents of the area, where the suicide rate was reported to be extraordinarily high. All the suicide cases were obtained from the official source. One psychiatrist visited the homes of the suicides and interviewed the family members, relatives and the neighbors. The predeveloped questionaire was used to obtain standardized information. Three psychiatrists made psychiatric diagnoses and determined dynamic motives independently with the data obtained byinterview and the final decision was made based on the consensus. The total number of suicides committed during the study period in the area was 127 and the rate for the suicide was 44.7 per 100,000 population. This rate can be considered as relatively high com paring with other areas and other countries. Male and female ratio was 2.3 to 1. Age between 30ᅳ39 in male and 20—29 in female showed the highest rates. The main method used for the suicide was ingestion of herbicides and insecticides for the farming purpose accounting for 89.396, The place selected for the suicide was mainly one’s house(92.0% ). Among the suicides, 47.2% committed suicide after drinking. Seventy four percent of the suicides suggested previously their intention of suicide and only 9.496 left their will behind. The uicide rate was the lowest in the winter and highest in the evening The suicide were attemped more than once in 15.7% and 45% of those were attempted again within 3 months. The common precipitating factors of committing suicide were family trouble and the pessimism about their ailments, and about 45% of them were combined with financial difficulty. The most apparent dynamic motive of the suicides was easy se f-abandonm ent of one’s own life. Most of the cases were easily diagnosed as psychiatric disoders except 10 cases. The sociocultural approach is strongly recommended to identify reasons why the suicide rate is so high in this area.

서 론

조사대상 및 방법

조사 결과

고 찰

결 론

