Many psychiatrists insist that early parental loss is an etiologic factor for psychiatric disorders, but some investigators refute this hypothesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parental loss in childhood and the developmsnt of psychiatric disorders, and to examine the above two controversial opinions. The author studied the frequency of parental loss, sex of the lost parent, reason of parental loss, and age at parental loss in 300 psychiatric patients and 300 controls who were age and sex matched. The results were as follows; 1. The psychoneurotics had significantly higher frequency of maternal and both parental loss com pared with controls. But no significant difference was found between the psychotics and controls. 2. Psychiatric patients had higher frequency of early (before 18 years) parental loss than controls, but the difference was not significant except in the both parental loss group. In the early (before 18 years) parental loss group of psychiatric patients, the frequency of one parental (paternal or maternal) loss was significanty high in 0-5years compared with controls. 3. Frequency of maternal seperation was high in the psychiatric patients compared with controls.
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