The authors have tried to clarify the psychological meaning of “Gui-Sin” and to understand the psychic conflicts o f children and their resolutions by analyzing children’s dreams of “Gui- Sin” on the viewpoint of analytical psychology. For this study 40 dreams of “Gui-Sin”, selected from 1,041 dreams reported by 314 children from rural and urban primary schools from the end of December, 1978 to the end of January, 1979, were examined. In the analysis of children’s dreams 4 dreams of “Gui-Sin” were selected from 320 dreams reported by 160 students of Kyung-Pook National University Medical College during two months from the beginning of June to the end of July, 1979. Korean “Gui-Sin” folktales and several theories of “Gui-Sin” were taken into account as parallels. The results were as follows: In children’ s dreams “Gui-Sin” appeared in separate forms of “Gui” as black and “Sin” as white in color. Black “Gui” sym bolyzing evilness, Yin-Soul, and regression, and white “Sin” symboly zing goodness, Yang-Soul, and progression were the opposite sides of “Gui-Sin”. Then, “Gui-Sin” w as considered to mean psychic totality as Coincidentia Oppositorum, although black “Gui” and white “Sin” would have the characters of negative and positive collective shadows respectively. “Gui-Sin” in college students’ dreams had more demonic character (Gui) than in children’s dreams. This could be understood in terms o f psychic differentiation and social attitude expelling evilness rather than accepting it. The psychic conflicts of children and their solutions were presented in the dream ego’s relationship with other characters in the dreams of “Gui-Sin”, i.e., devouring and being devoured. The conflict of the boy was with his mother, while that of the girl was with her sisters and girl friends. Devouring and being devoured by the dream ego were considered as processes of assimilation and reincarnation by which the conflicts were resolved
緒 論
資料 및 方法
鬼神꿈의 分析
要 約