Twenty-five adolescent males and twenty-five adolescent femals, manifesting acne of face were studied by an analysis of MMPI test and the psychiatric interview and compared with control group of tw enty-five adolescent males and twenty-five adolescent females not manifestingacne. The results were as follows. 1. No significant difference between the two groups was revealed in economic status, religion and birth orer. 2. The differences between the control groups and the acne groups in the stressful life situation were statistically not significant in both sexes. 3. Validity scales showed more defensive pattern in adolescent females of both acne and control groups compared to the adolescent males, 4. The acne group differed significantly from the control group in the three clinical scales of hypochondriasis, depression and hysteria. 5. Anxiety index was significanthy higher in female acne group than female contral group (p < 0 .05), and internalization ratios were significanthy higher in acne groups than control groups in both male and female groups, (female; p < 0 .02, male; p < 0 .01). 6. Modified psychological distress (M-DI) scale was significanthy higher in male acne group conpared to male control group (p < 0 .05), but modified critical items (M-CI) scale showed no statistically significant difference between the two groups in both sexes.
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