The present study w as intended to examine the delinquent adolescents’ runaway and to clar ify the relationship between the runaw ay and delinquency. Data were collected through questionnaire survey. Subjects served for the study consisted of 757 delinquent adolescents in 4 juvenile corrective institutions sampled from 11 of those in Korea, using random sampling method. Their age range lay between 12 and 21. Results of the sutdy were presented below. 1. Among the sampled delinquent adolescents of 570 (male 520, female 50), respondents 369 adolescents (male 329, female 40) have had run away experiences. They showed some variation in the frequency of runaway. The adolescents experiencing runaway for only once were 129 (male 114, female 15), two to three times, 132 (male 117, fem ale 15), and four and more times, 118 (male 98, female 10). 2. Runaway drive was experienced by 58.3% of the respondents (“occasionally” 41.2%, “frequently” 17.196). Runaway behavior was experienced by 64.7% of the respondents (once 22.6% ,two to three times 23.2%, foure and more times 18.9% ). 3. The runaway drive was experienced by 56.9% of the males and 72.5% of the females. The runaway behavior was experienced by 63.396 of the males and 80.0% of the females. The females showed 1.3 times higher proportion in both runaway drive and runaway behavior compared with the males. The 18-21 age group showed the highest incidence of runaways. 4. Their self self-reported reasons for runaway were “family problem s” (21.5% ), “bad influences of peer group (18.7% ), “goingtd Seoul without definite object” (1.5.2%), “occupational problems” (12.0%) and “failure in school perform ance” (11.6 % ). The reason for runaway of the males were “bad influences of peer group” (19.8% ), “family problem ” (19.5%) and “going to Seoul without definite object” (15.5% ), and those of the females were “family probems” (37.5%) wheterosexual relationship” (12.5% ), “going to Seoul without definite object” (12.5%) and “bad influences of peer groups” (10.0% ). These implied that family problems ard frierd relsticnship were most importantly associated with delirqizent acolescents’ runaway. 5. Family problems perceived by delinquent adolescents influenced the runaway tehavior. This implied that the problems of family climate due to “parental disease” , “parent disharmony” and “alienation and distrust from parent” was related to the runaway behavior of delinquent adolescents.
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