최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Schneider의 일급증상에 관한 연구

A Study of Schneider’ s First Rank Symptoms

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The author perform ed this study to investigate the frequency and the distribution of Schneider’s First Rank Symptoms in a Korean psychiatric sample. The subjects were 306 psychiatric inpatients discharged from the neuropsychiatric ward of Hanyang University Hospital from Sept. 1,1978 through Dec. 31, 1979. The results were as follows: 1. The first rank symptoms could be elicited in 81% of the schizophrenics, 29% of the manics, 10% :of the depressives and 8% of patients with personality disorders and neuroses. The results suggest that, though the FRS obviously are very important symptoms of schizophrenia, the presence of them alone is not sufficient to establish the diagnosis of schizophrenia since the FRS were detected in various other psychiatric disorders in substantial percentages. 2. Among the schizophrenics, delusional perception was the most frequent FRS, marking in 55. 1% of the patients. The next ones were thought withdrawal in 39.4% and thought broadcasting in 36.7% and somatic passivity was the rarest symptom, marking 11.5%. 3. Paranoid schizophrenia manifested the FRS in 92% and non-paranoid schizophrenia in 30%、 Since 92% of paranoid schizophrenics showed the FRS, it seemed to be more help. ful to use the FRS as a pilot symptom to differentiate paranoid schizophrenia from other psychiatric disorders rather than to differentiate schizophrenia from other psychiatric disorders. 4. Among the schizophrenics, readmitted and chronic patients had higher prevalence rate of the symptoms rather than first admitted and acute patients. 5. There was no evidence that the variables of age, sex and marital status influenced the frequency of the symptoms in schizophrenia. 6. It was considered that frequeny of the symptoms was rather : affected by diagnostic criteria applied to the study, by depth of evaluation and by other research strategies than by cultural differences

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