최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

건축 공간 디자인의 빈도와 유형에 관한 사회 심리학적 연구 한국 청소년의 구독 이용

A Sociopsychiatric Study on The Frequencies and Patterns of Substance Use among Juvenile Delinquents in Korea

  • 37

In order to collect basic data concerning with the frequencies and the patterns of substance use among Korean juvenile delinquents (for the proper guidance of the substance using juvenile delinquents), questionaires w ere given to 757 Korean juvenile delinquents, from randomly selected 4 houses among 11 juvenile institutions using census method. Their age range was between 12 and 21. The actual number of cases put into the analyses was 571 including 521 boys and 50 girls. These collected data w ere computerized, using SPSS program and statistically analysed by chisquare method. The results of the study were as follow s. 1. Among 521 juvenile delinquents, 253 cases (male 226 cases, Female 27 cases) had experienced substanc use and one of every five of the subjects was shown to use substances habitually. 2. The frequencies of substance use did not significantly correlate w ith age groups, criminal records, types and objects of delinquency respectively. 3. The meanage of initial substance use was 15.67± 2.09 years and 62.0% of 253 substance users appeared to have initially experienced it between 15 and 17 years. 4. Most commonly used substance was psychostmulants, but inhalants were also used by growing numbers of the subjects. 5. The female, middle age group of juvenile delinquents had easier access to the substances than the male, earlier age group. 6. Male juvenile delinquents tended to use single substance, while the female tended to use multiple substances. 7. The motivation of substance use was peaceseeking (52.2% ), adventure-seeking (30.6%), power-seeking (9 .1%), friendship-seeking (5.5% ), sex companion seeking (1.6%), and transcendence- seeking (0.4% ). With increasing age, they tended to seek more peace or adventure and less power or friendship. 8. After the intake of the substances, male subjects tended to have experiencea pleasure, while females displeasure.

서 론

조사 대상 및 방법

조 사 결 과

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